The demo is pretty big regarding disk size, over 6GB, but users will only get access to four campaign missions, two tutorial mission, and they can also use the track editor. Other players not only that they don’t die, but they also make amazing times. In Trials Fusion, just like in Trials Evolution, you can respawn when you make a mistake, but that also means that you can say goodbye to the hope of getting your name in the leaderboards. The problem is that it’s really difficult to finish them in good time and without resetting after dying. The problem is not that you can’t finish them. This takes us to the next item, which is the difficulty of the levels. Tracks are sometimes so insane that it’s a pleasure just to repeat them, even if you got a good time. These maps are usually really designed and have no basis in reality, which is actually the main attraction for this game. Just like its predecessor, Trials Fusion focuses on players getting the best possible time in various maps. There are only two directions of movement, front and back, but that’s not all that obvious when you play it. The players are left with the impression that they are playing something much more complicated than it is. This is a game that fits snugly into a specific genre of games, and that is 2D racing titles built in a 3D environment. It’s a much more refined title than the previous ones, but it’s also more difficult and complex.

In fact, RedLynx was bought by Ubisoft right before they launched Trials Evolution, so Trials Fusion was pretty much made under the guidance of Ubisoft.

Trials Fusion is a follow-up to the immensely successful Trials Evolution, and it’s actually the fifth one in the series. How could things end up this way? SynDI the squirrel probably knows the answer… This content pack adds a whole new career event which will have you navigating through ruined cities and devastated ecosystems.Trials Fusion is a 2D racing platformer developed by the famous RedLynx studio, along with Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Ukraine. Following tragic events, the flourishing world we knew brutally passed away, leading to a vast field of ruins and the broken dreams of a whole civilisation. Investigate the causes of the disaster that devastated Earth and ride through the post-apocalyptic universe of Trials Fusion in the sixth DLC pack « After The Incident ».

Trials Fusion game required sold separately.

If you own the Trials Fusion Season Pass, DO NOT purchase this content here as you will be charged again.